My Daily Horoscope - Gemini - 1st decan

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string(19) "Tuesday,+December+3"

Tuesday, December 3

string(15) "Uncontrollable+"


string(367) "When+you+use+your+irrepressible+drive,+it’s+easy+to+get+your+way+without+much+consideration+for+the+welfare+of+people+who+are+reliant+on+you.+Your+energy+and+enthusiasm+manifest+as+bouts+of+arrogance+and+aggression,+and+you+need+to+be+far+more+cooperative,+avoid+any+needless+confrontations+or+disputes+and+be+of+extra+help+towards+those+people+in+need+of+support.+"

When you use your irrepressible drive, it?s easy to get your way without much consideration for the welfare of people who are reliant on you. Your energy and enthusiasm manifest as bouts of arrogance and aggression, and you need to be far more cooperative, avoid any needless confrontations or disputes and be of extra help towards those people in need of support.

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