Horoskop harian saya - Taurus - Decanate Ketiga

Tempat untuk memasukkan tarikh lahir

string(21) "Saturday,+February+22"

Saturday, February 22

string(24) "Lapses+in+concentration+"

Lapses in concentration

string(342) "Your+absent-mindedness+can+be+a+problem+for+the+people+you+know.+It's+unnecessary+to+ask+you+to+be+sensible;+it’s+rather+a+waste+of+time+-+you+simply+can’t+be+forced+to+concentrate+on+anything.+Accept+the+way+you+feel+and+don't+get+upset+–+you+can't+change+it+anyway.+Relaxation+exercises+or+a+nice+warm+bath+make+you+feel+much+better.+"

Your absent-mindedness can be a problem for the people you know. It's unnecessary to ask you to be sensible; it?s rather a waste of time - you simply can?t be forced to concentrate on anything. Accept the way you feel and don't get upset ? you can't change it anyway. Relaxation exercises or a nice warm bath make you feel much better.

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